The Voyage

There is no particular chronology to the reflections and stories offered here. The intentional randomness is meant to be a mosaic of experiences that, I hope, add up to a compelling big picture.

Mary Ann Watson Mary Ann Watson

An Odd Thing to Say…

It must have been the twentieth time I explained to one medical professional or another exactly what happened when I couldn’t awaken my husband on the morning after his father died.

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Mary Ann Watson Mary Ann Watson

Playing Through Pain

Dennis once told me that when he died, he wanted me to sprinkle his ashes along the route of the Boston Marathon, his all-time favorite race.

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Mary Ann Watson Mary Ann Watson

And so we commenced…

My senior-year crush in high school was the boy who would become the class valedictorian. As the 1971 graduates of Bentley High entered the football field I could see him being directed to the stage with the others who would be honored that warm evening.

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