What’s Happening Now

DECEMBER 10, 2021

Dennis’ home zapping is now every other week. I noticed that he seems to have a good couple of days in the middle of a two-week cycle. Caregiver Shelley confirmed that DW was much better today—more focused, talking more clearly, and less impulsive.

DECEMBER 7, 2021

After a few days of the workers in the house, DW is beginning to remember that the noise downstairs is from work being done in the bathroom.

NOVEMBER 29, 2021

The contractors arrived this morning to begin a remodeling project in the downstairs bathroom. Any disruption in the house confuses Dennis. Every time he heard pounding, he wanted to know what was going on down there.

NOVEMBER 25, 2021

Eight of us were around the table for Thanksgiving dinner at Rockaway. DW was trying hard not to eat too fast, but it wasn’t easy. I made the “slow down” motion a few times, but in a heartbeat he was off to the races again.

NOVEMBER 19, 2021

I had to get my annual mammogram today. No caregivers were scheduled, so my plan was to take DW with me. I learned, though, that only patients would be allowed in the hospital, no visitors. Could I leave him home alone? I did, for two hours. Despite his promise not to eat a thing, he found two hidden bags of Chex Mix and ate them both…not dangerous, but not healthy.

NOVEMBER 13, 2021

DW is really suffering from allergies today. I have a sore throat and I’m feeling congested, too. By afternoon I realize that we’ve both caught colds. We take home Covid tests just to be sure. Both negative.

NOVEMBER 12, 2021

A small group of my former colleagues at Eastern Michigan University stopped by and made a surprise birthday party for Dennis! He made several funny quips that were completely in context with the conversation.

NOVEMBER 3, 2021

DW and I went out for lunch with my sister and her husband at the Carlyle Grille. It was a leisurely meal and Dennis got a bit antsy.

OCTOBER 18–23, 2021

Respite trip to Grants Pass, Oregon…nothing but eating, sleeping, and watching movies. Just what I needed.

OCTOBER 6, 2021

Learned today that Dr. Hampstead is receiving a wonderful honor for his research in brain circuit function. Later this month he will be installed as the Stanley Berent Collegiate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. Academic equivalent of Rock Star!

SEPTEMBER 24-25, 2021

Lots of company at Rockaway this weekend…a houseful of great-nieces and nephews ranging in ages from 5 to 17 years old. Dennis enjoyed all the activity.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2021

Got our Covid booster shots today at CVS.

AUGUST 31, 2021

Dennis has two teeth that had root canal treatments since his brain injury. We learned from the dentist today that both root canals have degraded, and the teeth need to be extracted and replaced with dental implants. I’m not looking forward to the long process and the many, many appointments needed to accomplish the goal. Caregivers of those with similar brain injuries will understand how daunting this kind of treatment can be—from post-operative care to the oversight of daily brushing. Note to myself: Take a deep breath and do what needs to be done….

AUGUST 11, 2021

Just back from a three-day trip to Northern Michigan to spend a little time with old friends from Chicago. Last time we saw them was August 2019—pre-pandemic. They all noticed improvement in Dennis since two years ago, especially in terms of following and appropriately contributing to the talk at the table. Sometimes improvements are so incremental that it’s easy to overlook them, so it’s great to get a different view.

AUGUST 3, 2021

Lots of summer visitors to Rockaway over the last week. DW enjoys seeing our friends and my former co-workers. He is much better at staying within the parameters of a conversation these days. But people who don’t spend time with Dennis regularly are surprised at how easily confused he gets with simple directions. He can converse pretty cogently about lighthearted topics, yet he can’t figure out the napkins, silverware and plates that are on a table on the deck instead of the normal kitchen routine. “Dennis, could you pass me a spoon?” is a request that gets met with a deer-in-the-headlights expression.

JULY 21, 2021

Watching President Biden’s Town Hall on CNN tonight. DW is fully engaged and every time POTUS makes a strong point he shouts, “Go Joe! God love him!”

JULY 19, 2021

Frustration du jour:  Over several weeks DW developed a great rapport with caregiver Jalen. They got into a comfortable routine that included simple tasks like wiping down counters and cleaning the bathroom mirror. They would make lunch together and talk sports and laugh a lot. Today I learned that Jalen left the agency and won’t be coming back. It’s so difficult to find such a good fit.

JULY 2, 2021

Today is our 44th wedding anniversary. The operating promise we made to each other for all these years comes from the glorious lyrics of Bruce Springsteen in Born to Run:  “…let me in. I wanna be your friend. I wanna guard your dreams and visions.”

JUNE 28, 2021

Hurdle of the day:  “Notice of Denial of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage.”  When I talk to a representative of the company—to no avail—she ends the call by saying, “Thank you for allowing us to be your partner in high-quality medical care.” 

JUNE 18, 2021

Completed home zapping session #25 today…a little milestone to celebrate with pizza.

JUNE 11, 2021

Dennis and a new caregiver, Jalen, enjoy watching a University of Michigan vs. Ohio State football game on the Big Ten Network this afternoon. For all he’s lost, DW’s understanding of football and all its intricacies of strategy and rules remain intact. Curious.

MAY 29, 2021

On my way home from respite trip to Grants Pass, Oregon.... It was wonderful to spend a few days with cousins Ron and Nancy and Ron’s son Kenya. We played card games, watched movies, laughed a lot and ate too much. Just learned the plane will be delayed two hours. Relaxation can evaporate quickly!

MAY 15, 2021

DW is having a great couple of days. Caregiver Jim reports that Dennis was speaking more slowly with less stuttering on their outing yesterday. DW was a bit keyed up when they left for a drive, but Jim said when he put Mellow Jazz on the radio instead of Rock n’ Roll, Dennis calmed down.

MAY 14, 2021

Completed home zapping session #21 this morning. DW is learning a mnemonic device to help him put dishes in the right place in the dishwasher. “Sips on the Side. Bowls Between. Dishes Down.” Seems to be working!

MAY 12, 2021

Getting my ducks in a row to take a 5-day respite trip to Grants Pass, Oregon, at the end of the month. It feels like the amount of preparation required is about as much as Ike needed for the D-Day Invasion.